Friday, December 28, 2007

Am I wrong?

I get a ton of requests that generally go like this . . . "Hey man, dig your work, can you tell me how you do it?" or "Can you show me how to make my art like yours?" "Can you give me a tutorial?"

I have spent the better part of 40 years drawing, I spent 20 of those years (after a failed attempt at art school) working my ass off to actually get paid to draw. I worked shit jobs, Shit graphic design jobs. Yes graphic design is a shit job - ask any artist who had to sit through a trashing of his work by a salesman. In a well know firm where i once worked, I was the only "artist" of 28 hot shot designers who could draw.

I have had more portfolio rejections than I can count. I've had clients who refused to pay for hundreds of hours of work. I lost count of comic conventions I've been to or the hours I have waited in lines next to virgins with sharpies just to get an editors bored rejection. I never gave up.

I now have a small amount of success, hard earned. Working 15 hours a day 25 days a month. I love it and would not give it up for anything.

I heard a comic artist say once "I don't have fans, I have people who want my job."

So for those of you who want to know how to do what I have spent my entire life working for . . . the answer is No.

Go draw . . . with a pencil and some paper. Really.


Anonymous said...

Ronnie, I adore your work. Your latest of Ty Fyre is really cool, by the way! Keep on working hard--I have been hearing your name quite a bit recently. You deserve all success! xo Rocket

ben said...

Preach it brother!


Shane Reeves said...

That was awesome. Success is what you see when you look over your shoulder. Do you see nobody chasing you or a mob of blood thirsty zombies clamoring to rip a piece of your flesh off for their own selfish gain? If your alone, you're nobody. If the zombies are right behind you, congrats! You're a success.

Keep running Ronnie, and don't look back!

saber17 said...

Words of wisdom. When I came into the art field, I thought it would be a candy coated dream. Bull. Well, yeah there's nothing more fun than drawing or working on the computer for a living, but after spending a few months in college, art has gone from being a fun hobby to a chore... but hell, I've never been more exited to become an artist in all my life, and I'll be damned if a few annoying projects will stop me from doing so.
Drawing may be fun, and the demands can suck, but in the end all that matters is if you have a good time doing it... and you have food on the table.
Great to hear things are going good for you Ron.
Oh, this is Steven, the kid you used to live next to who would always bug you about your secrets of how to draw good and all that crap. Your art kicks so much ass man!

Philip Dean Gray said...

Abso-bloody-lutely spot on !!

finally someone has the balls to come out and say it !

I think that the internet and google is a lot to answer for.
Everyone's looking for a quick fix/quick answer to any problem.
No one seems willing these days to spend time perfecting their drawing skills, I too have spent many years practicing and trying to perfect my drawing skills, (i still call every drawing that I do "an experiment")
and I also have had a number of questions from people along these lines, I always try to be as polite as possible, but I always just try and tell them to just go and practice.
Why are there so many people afraid to experiment ?
Its the only you you get to find out how to do something !!

Tiffany Forni said...

I love your honesty. I would LOVE to know how you did it.. but I have a feeling I would never succeed.. due to coffee induced ADD... You're amazing Ronnie!! F'ing AMAZING and I'm BUYING YOUR NEXT BOOK!

Anonymous said...

It was good to run in to you today and I love what you wrote here. Congrats on the book -- can't wait to check it out.

Anonymous said...

I may have to quote you when I'm asked the same. Although I use clay as my medium.
Congratulations on your success...enjoy it, revel in it, you totally earned it and ROCK! Valerie